
Nomination Report

The National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (Nomination Report) represents the end of a four-year collaborative effort between Henrico and the Commonwealth of Virginia to survey over 1,057 resources within 554 properties and evaluates the historic nature of Sandston. Just over 590 buildings and other resources were found to be contributing to the Sandston Historic District, which has a period of significance of 1918 to 1966. The District was added to the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places based on its eligibility in the area of Community Planning and Development as an example on an intact early-20th-century streetcar suburb and its collection of well-preserved houses in a variety of definable styles dating from the late 1910s to the 1960s.

The Sandston nomination report  contains a detailed history of Sandston and its development, as well as photos of typical examples of architectural styles found in the district, historic photos, and maps of the area.

Downloadable Maps

Sandston Historic District Boundary

For information about historic districts and historic resources in Virginia and how to take advantage of historic tax credits:

Virginia Department of Historic Resources
2801 Kensington Avenue
Richmond, VA 23221
(804) 482-6446

For questions or problems with this web site:

Email the webmaster

For other questions or information about Sandston or revitalization initiatives in Henrico:

Henrico Department of Community Revitalization
email  [email protected]
(804) 501-4757